Last tuesday (22/1) exectly 100 days of the governor and deputy governor of Jakarta.
Jokowi Widodo and vice Governor of Jakarta, Basuki T Purnama lead capital, Various problems with all the complexities facing the city was expected to be completed by the couple. In general, what has been done Jokowi-Basuki in managing capital is considered good so far, One of them by the Regional Representatives Council (Parliament) of Jakarta.
Chairment of the City Council, Ferrial Sofyan rate, so far, the performance Jokowi-Basuki good enough to lead hid first 100 days in the Capital. "Three months is Jokowi arround physical develoment so not yet, because budgets have not been established". said ferrial, Tuesday (22/1).
Ferrial be said, at least, Jokowi adn Basuki quite successful so far leaned into the public policy often visited villages in Jakarta. "At least now know the way, was already in the sewer and villages. Said I was okay's. Not good, because if not it'll actually work great". said ferrial.
Democrats also said that the proposed program Basuki-Basuki is good enough. Moreover, the superior program, flood the river Plastering intensify. "The problem of congestion resolution has also been added such has additional roads and the addition of mass transportation", He said.
Meanwile, members of the City Councile of the Golkar Party faction, said Ashraf Ali, a concept created pair Jokowi-Basuki does look impartially to the little people. However, because the 2013 budget has not legalization, The actual Jokowi-Basuki still awaited. "The program and focused thinking, the concept can be understood to the public. Going forward need ekstra energy to realize its program, because it is large enough budget to Rp.49 trillion. Said Ashraf.
In addition to health and education programs, Jokowi expected the focus to another field. "Flooding is deffinitely a must, others let the vehicle waste also needs reform because the current old. Then, improvements to mass transportation is also required. We can only see the result laters of one year after the budget down". Said Ashraf.
City Council Chairman PDIP, Syahrial added Jokowi-Basuki performance in the first 100 days are in line with what people needed. Moreover, at this time they are working to resolve the problem of flooding in the capital. "The important thing is to facus on the program. But is must be completed mid-term development plan for the solution of flooding in Jakarta". He said.
Meanwhile, the governor of Jakarta, Jokowi Widodo confirmed if the budget discussions continue to be made by the provincial goverment and the city council to immediately passed. "Budgets are not delayed, we are day and night to take care of that quickly passed its budget. Council asked for an explanation in detail, and we really get along with the legislature". He said.
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