Teddy Bear Zombie are in Demand in the Online Market to be on Valentine's Days Gifts

LONDON - Being a Teddy Bear seems less suitable for a special gift on Valentines days. But in fact, the teddy bear thats looks like a zombie that just it.

An English artist name Phillip blackman creates new creations in the form of dolls, named "Undead Teds". Puppets is basically a cute teddy bear, but Blackman modify the doll to look horrible.

The face bears destroyed and covered in blood. Skull rose dools look real just like a real skull. one doll was seen holding her own heart that bleeds.

Blackman also describes his work as "soft toys as transformed into horrible stuff, which keeps you awaked at night". In creating the dolls, the 45-years old man often use effects make-up special.

"I got the idea of making a zombie teddy bear as a joke inspired by my wife and me". Blackman said, as quoted by the Daily Mail, Saturday (02/02/2013).

Blackman tried to sew the bones and skulls in the boddy of the teddy bear he bought secondhand on eBay site. To make a blood effect, Blackman uses equipment that is also used for shooting the film.

After completing the work, Blackman sell directly online. And without realizing it, stuffed it enthused many. For a doll, Blackman sold it for 59 Pounds.


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